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Examples > Gulfstream
We have software for over 50 different types of aircraft and are adding new aircraft to the list as they become available.
Takeoff values are calculated after a thorough Weight Limit Analysis
Finally, the software uses the most restrictive of the weight limits found
When calculating a takeoff weight limit due to obstacle the software will find the required average gradient.
Then, the optimum obstacle clearance weight is calculated by finding the best average available gradient.
The available gradient is calculated by finding the average of:
Climb gradient at airport pressure altitude and temperature, and climb gradient at level-off pressure altitude adjusted for ISA temperature deviations.
All corrections such as wind, runway slope, anti-ice, etc. Are always applied.
Runway optimization is applied in obstacle clearance calculations.
Speeds, V1 and VR and Takeoff Thrust are computed at the airport pressure altitude and temperature.
Speeds, V2 and Vfto or Venr and Max. Continuous Thrust are computed at level-off pressure altitude adjusted for ISA temperature deviations.
Note: Software displays the Final Segment Climb Gradient and Speed even if the final segment is not required.
Calculations are performed for all runway conditions:
Dry, Wet, Contaminated Runways
Download the user guide for the G200 iPad App General Instructions (2.03 MB)
Gulfstream G200 - Weight and Balance Form
Our basic version provides weight and balance calculations for one leg.
However, we can customize your app to include several route segments, as needed for a small additional fee.
Gulfstream G200 - Weight and Balance Input Form
Gulfstream G200 - Landing Form
Gulfstream G200 - Landing Form - Fied Length Limit Example
You can easily select
the runway condition
G200 Takeoff Contaminated Runway Data Options
G200 Takeoff - Contaminated Runway Example
In this example, the program accurately calculates:
Takeoff Field Length
V1 speed
VR speed
V2 speed
Vfr, Vsr speeds
for the selected runway condition
with Flaps 12 Deg.
Note that the effects of Anti-Ice on and Surface De-Ice on, have already been accounted for in the AFM data.