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Examples > Light Twins
Performance App for iPad
Please scroll down to see examples of our basic Weight & Balance, Takeoff and Landing forms.
If you need different or additional features, we will custom-design this app for you.
This amazing iPad app is priced at just $499
(Our iPad Apps Are Available Only Through AFM Solutions)
It Computes:
To Place an Order Please Contact AFM Solutions at
Weight Limits, Takeoff Runway Analysis, Climb Analysis, Takeoff Distance, V-Speeds, Climb Gradients, Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Clearance.
Landing Distance, Actual/Factored Distance, Balked Landing Climb Gradient, Approach Speed, Landing Weight Limits.
Full Weight & Balance analysis, with custom aircraft layout, center of gravity limits, moment limits, including fuel moments calculations and fuel burn.
Example of Weight & Balance Output Form - iPad App
To Place an Order Please Contact AFM Solutions at
The Corresponding Input Form - An Airplane Diagram Can Be Included As an Option
Examples Showing Typical Takeoff Computations
An example showing a weight limitation due to required Takeoff Minimums
Examples of Landing Computations - Baron B58
An example of the Landing Form - No limitations encountered